Easy DIY! St. Patrick’s Day Popsicle Stick Vase

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Turn popsicle sticks into this cute St. Patrick’s Day Popsicle Stick Vase. If you are throwing a party for St. Patrick’s Day these vases are homemade, recyclable and green for your table or St. Patrick’s Day party. For more savings use your dollar store for craft materials and the dollar store is a great store to find floral materials too!

Green popsicle stick vase and green and yellow popsicle stick vase with white flowers for St. Patrick's Day.

How To Make St. Patrick’s Day Popsicle Stick Vase


10-12 popsicle sticks or craft sticks

Craft glue or glue gun

Any tall recyclable container: plastic bottles, aluminum cans

Optional: twine or ribbon from the craft stash

Optional: Floral water tube or water vials

Optional: Acrylic paint

Three rubberbands

How To Make A St. Patrick’s Day Popsicle Stick Vase

  1. This is a very easy and very quick vase to make! The vase can literally be made in under 15 minutes and add another 15 minutes for the glue to dry.
  2. I made this vase for Valentine’s Day and changed out the popsicle stick colors for St. Patrick’s Day. You can purchase pre colored craft sticks or paint your own popsicle sticks with acrylic paint.
  3. Add 30 minutes if you are painting the sticks.
  4. Learn how here to make the Popsicle Stick Vase. I made the vase three ways: colored popsicle sticks, natural craft sticks and painted popsicle sticks.
  5. Painting the sticks does take a smidge bit longer to make the vase, but acrylic paint dries incredibly fast and while I let the paint dry for one vase with the painted sticks – I was glueing another pop bottle with sticks.
  6. Finish the vase off with a piece of twine or jute or ribbon if desired. It is absolutely optional.

How To Make Fill The Vase With Water

If you are transporting the vase or giving the vase as a gift try using floral water vials to keep your flowers fresh.

I love these to have on hand to keep fresh cut  flowers watered!

St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Lollipops make a cute addition to the vase. Fill the vase with Rice Krispies lollipops to continue the St. Patrick’s Day theme!

St. Patrick’s Day Craft Ideas

St. Patrick’s Day Button Vase – Dollar Store!

St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Lollipops

Dollar Store St. Patrick’s Day DIY

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