Water Oh Water : Quick Dam Flood Bags Review

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As any property owner knows water is not your friend. Water can be a friend for your lawn and garden in moderate amounts; however water is a foe when water meets the foundation of your home and the interior of your home. Sandless Sandbags can assist!

Have you ever been in a situation with water approaching your property and the vision of sandbags flash through your mind? Does an approaching rainstorm or flood warning send you into protect the property alert? A home and its’ land is most people’s most valued asset which can require emergency assistance particularly when the property is under assault.

Flooding! Sandless sandbags aka flood bags to protect your property. Review.

How Do The Flood Bags Work?

The Quick Dam flood bags are literally light as a feather. Simply lay the bag in the desired location and water activates the bag. The gel in the bag then activates the sandbag and fills with water. If you are under continual saturated conditions the bags will remain filled with water until drier conditions prevail and the water will dissipate from the bags.

The Flood bags can then be dried and folded for reuse or left in their location if the weather or cause of the water is continuous.

Excessive water is not a friend and I have found (unfortunately) that sandless sandbags are definitely an item for your emergency preparedness kit.

You will excuse the sandbags are not neatly stacked we were in the middle of encroaching water in a driving rainstorm.

sandless sandbags


  • Lightweight
  • Compact
  • Many sizes
  • Easy to move
  • Self empties
  • Reusable
  • Affordable


I did not find any negative issues with the product. Availability as in I need it now can be an issue. Once again Amazon Prime to the rescue … I found Quick Dam Sandless Sandbags aka as Flood Bags in all sizes on Amazon.

Water is not always predictable in its’ path or quantity and demands immediate attention. I did find the sandbags at Home Depot; however only one size was available in the store. The remainder of sizes were available online but not in the store and could be ordered.

I utilized Amazon Prime and ordered the 1 ft by 2 ft packs which I liked as they are easy to maneuver and stack. The longer 10 feet flood bags were also utilized for horizontal flood bags which were laid the length of the house next to the foundation.

Can The Flood Bags Be Used Inside?

Yes. Unfortunately I found this out as well due to water inside the basement. Depending upon where the water is entering the basement, I put the bags at the points of entry.

Each small bag holds 4 gallons of water; however, these bags will not dry out in a basement and will need to be manually removed and they are h-e-a-v-y when filled with water to move upstairs and outside from the basement.

Once the sandbags are relocated to the exterior, leave the gel filled bags out in the sun to dry out.

What Size Sandless Sandbags Should I Buy?

The Quick Dam website offers a wealth of information and a wealth of flood barrier bags and products. Depending upon your problem area and the needs of your water problem a property survey is available to download which matches the type of problem, type of water and frequency to the product.  Among the products offered are flood bags, flood barriers, flood gates, hydrogates and wick up mats.


I highly recommend the Quick Dam Water Activated Flood Bags aka Sandless Sandbags. The sandbags  are an affordable tool for your water toolbox and emergency preparedness should you find yourselves with water issues.

I am a fan of Amazon and Amazon Prime or learn how to save by ordering online at Home Depot in combination with Swagbucks to earn points on Swagbucks.

Water is no fun so you might as well earn a few Swagbuck points along the way …


  1. This is great information for anyone who lives in an area where flood water occasionally (or often) threatens. I’ve been in a flash flood and it was a very traumatic experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Adding these sandless sandbags to be able to create a barrier in a hurry would bring peace of mind to many, well worth the price!

  2. Wow, I have never encountered that problem thank goodness. These bags sound like a life saver for sure. Glad you have them and can reuse them over and over again.

  3. This came right at the perfect time since we are in the middle of a torrential downpour and thunder storm! Very good advice since so many storms can cause flash floods.

  4. Wow these sound good we get a problem with flooding here every time we get rain, although the entrance to our drive has been built to slope upwards another inch last time and it would been in.The road outside was just like a flowing river. I will check out Amazon as to delivery to here. Shared 🙂

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