Can You See Me Now? Gift Guide For Night Dog Walking

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No kidding! I’m sure you can see me now when I am all decked out in my safety gear to walk the dog at night. Night Dog Walking requires a special set of tools to ensure the safety of yourself and pet. Of course I’d prefer to walk the dog during daylight, but unfortunately the shorter days of winter and schedules do not always comply. Unless I want to see the dog swinging from the light fixtures with unspent energy then I must venture forth into the dark with dog; exercise is good for each as a bonus.

Perfect for the holidays and your favorite dog owner is a gift basket with all the supplies needed to safely walk your dog and be seen! Both the dog and owner will be easily noticed with reflective gear for the owner and dog.

My Indispensable Five Tools For Night Dog Walking

  1. Reflective safety vest
  2. LED dog collar
  3. Night Light
  4. Hand and toe warmers (can you tell I live in brrrr country!)
  5.  Dog

Gift basket with stuffed animal dog, dog walking products.

Reflective Safety Vest

This is a must. No excuses and forget about fashion. The reflective safety vest will pick up lights from any source and make your presence be known. One size fits all and the vest can easily be altered for size if needed. For those in chilly country (that’d be me!) I appreciate the larger size as it can be easily worn over a winter coat. These vests are available in bright orange or yellow and easy to alter the sizing with a sewing machine or no sew iron on fusion tape.

Night Light – HeadLamp

Lightweight flash lights work well; however handheld flashlights require one hand and with the dog leash in the other hand …well … the headlamp comes in quite handy. Affordable, long lasting and attaches to your head with a strap. Okay let’s put fashion aside one more time and focus on safety! I know put that fashion pride aside and gear up with your reflective vest and headlamp with pride (and remember it is dark outside, your pet doesn’t care what you look like!)

LED Dog Collar

This was a purchase this year I am so happy I made. I was at a night event in a local park where it was allowed to bring dogs. What the other dog owners brought and I did not was a glow in the dark dog collar. How helpful this was to spot and the dogs and if you have a dark colored dog even more helpful on a night hike.

Research brought me to the BSeen LED Dog Collar and this is a purchase I have not regretted! Details are available in the full review; this is an affordable LED collar which will allow you to easily spot your dog when walking at night. The collar is one size fits all and comes in four colors and is rechargeable.

Fun and practical Bseen LED Dog Collar. Yes we can see you now!

LED Dog Leash For Night Dog Walking

A nice and practical compliment to an LED dog collar is the LED Dog Leash. Safety is always an issue at night when walking the dog and an LED dog leash provides an additional layer of safety for both the owner and pet.

Hand Warmers & Toe Warmers

This would be optional depending upon your climate, but in the north a supply of hand warmers and toe warmers are truly a necessity particularly at night. Very cold out is an understatement. My preferred brand is HotHands as I’ve found these to be the most reliable and longer lasting than other brands I have tried. I buy them by the box for Fall and Winter weather.

Additional Dog Gift Items You May Enjoy !

The Secret Language Of Dogs – dog owners new and experienced will enjoy this book.

Zach & Zoey Nor’easter Dog Coat – a great coat for dogs of any size

Healthy Dog Treats – snacks for your favorite dog!

How To Make A No Sew Fleece Dog Blanket

no sew dog and cat fleece blankets for animal shelters fb


  1. This is an excellent article for anyone who must walk their dog in the winter months. Safety for both is foremost in the mind of the pet owner. The dark days of winter are a dangerous time from traffic and even from those who are inclined to put you in danger. I would want to add something that makes a loud noise if and when needed.

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