Burdens As Blessings: Navigating Eldercare At Home

This book is currently out of print. A new version will be published in early 2017.

My father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 1998. For many years he staved off the disease and managed its’ effects along with the slow and gradual decline.  Predisposing conditions, age and an increase in the Parkinson’s symptoms accelerated the decline. The last year of his life was spent at his home which we turned into a full functioning nursing home.

My mother and I were the care team or as I called this team of two, the inaugural members of the “A” nursing home team. My father required 24 hour monitoring as the disease progressed in the last year of his life due to the decline of  his motor skills, dementia, verbal and non verbal communication skills, inability to eat solid foods along with the inability to perform daily living skills.

As the daughter, caregiver and nursing home administrator, I researched the products and personnel needed to effectively and efficiently run a nursing home – at home. This is a practical guide to the main issues that affect family caregivers for those with degenerative and terminal diseases. It is simply my viewpoint as a layperson. Many books exist covering the day-to-day journey of such care, the emotional and physical toll and the realities of navigating the health care field to which I will leave to the expert opinions.

It was a family decision to keep my dad at home through his journey. I certainly make no judgments or offer unsolicited or solicited opinions as to how others’ handle the decision. It is so unique to each family with so many diverse factors to consider. I would say that those who have never experienced making end of life decisions do not understand the emotions and thought involved to make such life altering choices. I do know that every family makes the best decision they can, at the time, and what more can one ask that doing the best of your ability.

Hopefully the suggestions in the book Burdens As Blessings: Navigating Eldercare At Home
and this website will provide guidance through the journey and a starting point to begin the process of implementing long term home care– at home.